Sardinia before the Giants

This page is created on the occasion of the exhibition entitled “Sardinian Giant at the MET“ (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, from May 25 through December 6.2023), in which the Giant of Mont’e Prama named Manneddu will be displayed in the Robert and Renee Belfer Court, at the entrance to the Met’s Greek and Roman Art Galleries. Two photo galleries on the page will help the public to discover the rich archaeological heritage of Sardinia. A cultural heritage widely spread throughout the island including numerous monuments which dot the landscape: thousands of Nuraghi (imposing stone towers) in addition to sanctuaries, springs and sacred wells, funerary monuments.
Furthermore, thousands of hypogea (often richly decorated), settlements, sanctuaries and megalithic monuments are evidence of the Prehistory of Sardinia, including the Neolithic and the Copper age.

To make this journey, which starts from the site of Mont’e Prama and goes backwards in time, we present an accurate selection of images of archaeological sites included in two tentative lists UNESCO:

→ Nuragic monuments of Sardinia

→ Art and Architecture in the Prehistory of Sardinia. The domus de janas

The boxer known as Manneddu

see all the 3D Giants