Giovanni Marongiu civic museum
The sculptural heritage of Mont’e Prama is impressive: 44 sculptures, including archers, warriors, boxers and models of nuraghes,
plus numerous betyls.
But the number grows continuously with the continuation of the excavations and the restoration of the sculptures.
Know the Giant
On 22 March 2014 the two rooms devoted to the Mont’e Prama sculptures were inaugurated. The statues and other restored sculptures are exhibited in the show Mont’e Prama 1974-2014, set up in parallel with the National archaeological museum of Cagliari.
In 2015 a third room was opened, with the most outstanding findings of recent excavations, which are promptly restored.
An imposing group of sculptures: in the museum are on show 9 statues of the heroes of Mont’e Prama – 3 archers, 1 warrior and 5 boxers, 8 nuraghes – 2 simple, 3 four-lobed and 3 eight-lobed, and 2 betyls in sandstone.
In 2024, a new exhibition celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of the discovery of the Mont’e Prama sculptures.
For the first time, visitors can admire the sculptural complex from every angle.
The exhibition offers, in fact, a 360-degree encounter with eight sculptures of Giants and six models of nuraghe.
In the context of the exhibition, CRS4 has created high-resolution, life-size 3D reconstructions
that can be used through the specially created multimedia stations situated in the exhibition halls
and, recently, a simplified geometric version of the 3D reconstructions of the entire sculptural complex
which are made available on this website for the first time.
The other collections of the museum
Inaugurated in 1997, the Giovanni Marongiu civic museum holds important findings regarding the municipal territory of Cabras, from prehistory to roman times.
The rooms of the museum display finds from the pre-nuragic village and necropolis of Cuccuru ‘e is Arrius, vases and other objects from the wells of the nuragic village of Sa Osa, the nuragic bronzes of the Pulix collection, findings from the phoenician-punic city of Tharros, one of the most ancient cities in Sardinia, and iron ingots from a wreck of roman times at Mal di Ventre, the most important underwater discovery of the last decades.

Giovanni Marongiu civic museum